Marijuana Seeds Turning Black: The Hows And Whys
Have you ever encountered your marijuana seeds turning black and wondered why they were black? Most cannabis seeds are brown, tan, or green so that a black one can stand out.
Being a regular CBD consumer, you may have noticed that your marijuana seeds have started to turn black. While this may be alarming initially, it's a perfectly normal process that all marijuana seeds go through!
Marijuana plants usually produce green or brown seeds - but occasionally, you might find a black seed in your stash. While black marijuana seeds might not look appealing, tossing them out is not necessary.
In this blog post, we'll explain how and why marijuana seeds turn black and what you can do about it so that you can rest assured that your seeds are still perfect. Keep reading on to learn more!
How Do Marijuana Seeds Turn Black?
The simple answer is that as the cannabis plant matures, the chlorophyll in the leaves breaks down and is replaced by carotenoids. This process gives the leaves their characteristic fall colors. The same thing happens to the marijuana seeds; as they mature, they turn black.
Marijuana seeds usually start green or white, but they will turn brown or black as they mature. This process is called "resinification," and it happens when the THC in the seed starts to oxidize. The THC oxidizes when exposed to oxygen, light, or heat, and this causes the seed to change color.
Resinification is a perfectly normal process, and it doesn't mean that your seeds are bad. Some people prefer to buy black marijuana seeds because they believe they are more potent. Black seeds also have a higher concentration of CBD, the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis that has medicinal benefits.
So if you notice that your marijuana seeds have started to turn black, don't worry! It's just a natural part of the cannabis plant's life cycle.
How Do Black Marijuana Seeds Form?
Black marijuana seeds form in the same way as other cannabis seeds. Inside each female cannabis flower, tiny pistils swell up and eventually burst open to release pollen. When pollen from a male cannabis plant comes in contact with these pistils, fertilization occurs, and a seed begins to form.
As the seed grows, it goes through several stages of development. During the early stages of development, the seed's coat is skinny and delicate.
This coat protects the embryo inside the seed from damage. As the seed matures, the skin thickens and hardens. The color of the seed's coat depends on the plant's genes.
Now, let’s move on to the whys!
Why Do Black Marijuana Seeds Matter?
For starters, they indicate that your cannabis plant is healthy and mature. Additionally, black marijuana seeds are known to be more potent than other kinds of seeds.
Black marijuana seeds matter because they are the only type that can produce pure black plants. When it comes to cannabis, there are three main types of seeds: black, brown, and white.
Black seeds are the rarest, and as a result, they are also the most coveted. Brown seeds are more common and often used to produce hybrid plants.
White seeds are the least desired, as they tend to produce plants that are lower in quality. However, black seeds are considered to be the best because they grow plants that are purebred and have high THC levels. As a result, black seeds are highly sought-after by growers and smokers alike.
So, if you want a powerful smoking experience, black marijuana seeds are the way to go!
Reasons Why Marijuana Seeds Turn Black

Some marijuana growers find that their plants' seeds sometimes turn black during the flowering stage.
Marijuana seeds can turn black for many reasons. One common reason is that the seeds were picked too early. If the seeds are harvested early enough, they will have a chance to develop properly and be smaller and darker in color.
Another common reason for black seeds is that they were not stored properly. Marijuana seeds should be stored in a cool, dark place. They can turn black if exposed to too much light or heat.
Finally, sometimes marijuana plants will produce black seeds naturally. It is usually due to genetics and is beyond your control.
If you find that your marijuana seeds have turned black, there are a few things you can do about it.
First, if the seeds were picked too early, you can try planting them anyway. They might not germinate, but it's worth a shot.
Second, if the seeds were exposed to light or heat, you can try storing them in a different location. Again, they might not germinate, but it's worth a try.
Finally, if the black seeds are due to genetics, there's nothing you can do about it except choose a different strain of plant to grow next time.
Nutrients Deficiencies That Turn Marijuana Seeds Black
Nutrient deficiencies are one of the primary causes of black seeds in marijuana. When a seed doesn't receive proper nutrition, it can stunt its growth and cause the seed to turn black.
The three primary nutrients essential for healthy plant growth are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. If your plants are lacking in any of these vital nutrients, it can cause the seeds to blacken. A common way to correct nutrient deficiencies is to fertilize your plants with a nutrient-rich soil mix.
If you suspect your plants are suffering from a nutrient deficiency, take a sample of the soil to a local gardening center for testing. Correcting the problem early can prevent your seeds from turning black and ensure a bountiful harvest.
Fungal Infection That Turns Marijuana Seeds into Black
Fungal infections are one of the most common problems that growers face. Fungi can cause leaves to turn yellow and drop off, flowers to rot, and fruits to become black and mushy. Fungal infections often start small but can quickly spread throughout a plant if not treated.
Many different types of fungi can infect marijuana plants, and each type produces various symptoms. One of the most damaging fungi is black root rot. This fungus affects the roots, causing them to turn black and eventually die.
Black root rot can spread quickly through a crop and is very difficult to control. The best way to prevent this fungus is to start with healthy plants and carefully monitor the moisture levels in the grow room.
If you notice that your plants are infected with black root rot, it is essential to remove them from the grow room immediately to prevent the spread of the infection.
Environmental Factors That Turn Marijuana Seeds Black
Environmental factors that turn marijuana seeds black can degrade the quality of the seeds. The main factor is temperature fluctuations. When the temperature suddenly changes, it causes the seed's outer shell to crack and turn black. Another factor is light exposure. If the seeds are exposed to too much light, they will also turn black.
Finally, humidity can also cause marijuana seeds to turn black. If the humidity is too high, it can cause the seeds to mold and mildew. As a result, environmental factors that turn marijuana seeds black are not suitable for the quality of the seeds.
Some Advice Before You Start Germinating Marijuana Seeds
If you are a novice cannabis user and want to grow your marijuana plants, there are some tips you should follow before germinating your seeds.
Keep your seeds cool and dry by placing them in a plastic bag and placing them in the refrigerator. It represents the seasonal transition from winter to spring, which is optimal for cannabis growth and germination.
If you want to start from scratch, soak your seeds in a clean glass of water at room temperature (20 C 25 C) for 12 hours. Be safe and stay in a warm area, and be sure to let people know.
Seeds submerged in water for longer than 24 hours may drown and fail to germinate because of a lack of oxygen. After 12 hours, if a seed hasn't sunk, it's probably dead and won't grow.
If something is floating and you touch it, it will most likely sink. However, seeds that float beyond 12 hours have little chance of germinating.
If you want to water your seeds as they germinate, you need to have a water sprayer and set reminders. Your newly planted plants might die from tap root damage caused by a dry napkin.
It is crucial to maintain a record of when seeds were planted and when they reached different growth stages. Be mindful of your seedlings! They will develop a lengthy taproot if you remember to plant them, but they will only survive in the container's poor soil.
Create a timetable and set reminders. Growing with Jane is simple and entertaining when you use our free app.
Why Are Some Marijuana Seeds White And Black?
The genetic makeup of the plant determines the colors of marijuana seeds. White seeds result from a recessive gene, while black seeds result from a dominant gene. The color of the seed does not affect the quality of the plant, but it can determine which plants are more likely to produce offspring with specific attributes.
For example, white seeds are often associated with plants with high levels of THC, while black seeds are more likely to produce plants with high levels of CBD. As a result, growers often select seeds based on the desired characteristics of the plant.
What Are The Benefits Of Black Marijuana Seeds?
Many people are not aware of the fact that there are different types of marijuana seeds. While most people are familiar with the green seeds, there are many different colors, including black. Black marijuana seeds have several unique properties that make them ideal for specific situations.
For example, black seeds are often more resistant to mold and pests than other seeds. In addition, black seeds tend to produce shorter and bushier plants, making them ideal for indoor growing. As a result, black marijuana seeds can provide many benefits for growers.
Furthermore, some CBD users believe that black seeds are more potent than other cannabis seeds because they contain more chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a pigment that gives plants their green color. It's also responsible for absorbing light during photosynthesis.
What Should You Look Out For In A Marijuana Seed?
When it comes to growing marijuana, the quality of your seed is one of the essential factors. After all, your seed is the foundation of your entire crop, and a poor-quality seed can lead to disappointing results. So what should you look out for when choosing a marijuana seed?
One of the most important things to consider is the genetics of the seed. You'll want to ensure that the seed comes from a reputable source and has been adequately bred and cultivated. It will help to ensure that your plant grows strong and healthy with high levels of THC.
It's also important to consider the viability of the seed. It refers to the percentage of seeds expected to germinate and produce viable plants. Higher viability means more seeds will grow into healthy plants, so it's worth paying extra for high-quality seeds with a high germination rate.
Finally, you'll also want to think about the appearance of the seeds. Healthy seeds should be dark brown or black, with a glossy surface. If the seeds are lighter, have cracks or fissures on their surface, or look shrunken or faded, they may not be viable. However, remember that some strains of marijuana produce white or light-colored seeds, so this isn't always an indication of poor quality.
By considering these factors, you can be sure to choose a high-quality marijuana seed that will give you the best chance of growing a healthy and productive plant.
Do Black Marijuana Seeds Taste Different?
It's a common question among those new to the world of cannabis. While the answer may not be as cut and dry as you'd like, the consensus is that black marijuana seeds have a slightly different taste than their white counterparts.
It is because black seeds tend to be more mature when harvested, giving them a richer flavor. They have a nutty flavor with hints of sweetness. Some people also describe them as being earthy or grassy-tasting.
Additionally, black seeds are often heavier and more challenging than white seeds, which can also contribute to their distinct taste. Ultimately, whether or not you can taste the difference between black and white marijuana seeds is a matter of personal preference.
So, if you're curious, why not grow both types and see for yourself?
Final Takeaway
While there is no difference in quality between black and green cannabis seeds, some believe black seeds are more potent because they contain more chlorophyll.
Whether or not this is true remains to be seen! Black marijuana seeds taste like any other cannabis seed—nutty with hints of sweetness and an earthy/grassy flavor profile.
In conclusion, there is no need to worry if your marijuana seeds have turned black. It is a perfectly natural phenomenon that occurs as the cannabis plant matures.
Black marijuana seeds are also more potent than other kinds of seeds, so if you are looking for a powerful smoking experience, they are the way to go!
In this post, we've explained why marijuana seeds turn black - and what you can do about it if it happens to you. So next time you find a black seed in your stash, don't panic - just remember what we've taught you in this post!